Capital operation With a headquarter in Minsheng financial centerbuilding, Jianguomenwai street, Dongcheng district, Beijing, Tianshan CapitalGroup Limited was set up in May, 2013, and mainly focuses on investment andfinancing. Currently, it has offices in Hong Kong, Beijing,Shanghai and Shenzhen and extends its businessto Beijing, Tianjin,Sha...

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Tianshan Development (Holding) Limited

Listing development On 15th July, 2010, Tianshan Development (Holding) Limited was officially listed on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: HK02118), becoming the first Hong Kong listing real estate company from Hebei province. Successful listing on Hong Kong Stock Exchange marks that Tianshan has officially set foot on the stage of the international capital markets.

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Tianshan Capital Group Co., Ltd.

Capital operation With a headquarter in Minsheng financial centerbuilding, Jianguomenwai street, Dongcheng district, Beijing, Tianshan CapitalGroup Limited was set up in May, 2013, and mainly focuses on investment andfinancing. Currently, it has offices in Hong Kong, Beijing,Shanghai and Shenzhen and extends its businessto Beijing, Tianjin,Shanghai, Chongqing,Xi’an, Shangdong, Hebe...

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河北新威融资租赁有限公司 河北新威融资租赁有限公司隶属天山发展控股有限公司(香港上市公司,股票代码02118.HK),是经河北省商务厅批准成立的外商独资的融资租赁有限公司,于2014年1月在河北省工商总局注册成立。我公司作为河北省首批成立经营租赁服务的公司,经营范围为生产设备、通讯设备、医疗设备、科研设备、检验检测设备、工程机械、交通运输工具等机械设备的直接租赁、转租赁、回租赁、杠杆租赁、委托租赁等不同形式的...

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融顺投资 河北天山融顺投资有限公司(简称:融顺投资)是依据《中华人民共和国公司法》的相关规定,在河北省注册成立的一家专门从事股权投资及资产管理业务的专业性金融投资机构。公司始终秉承“服务客户,追求卓越,完善自我”的核心价值观,高度重视内部管理体制和风险防范机制的健全和完善,已经形成了一套稳健、规范的制度化管理体系。公司总部位于北京市著名的长安街民生金融中心,毗邻国家政治中心,深谙国家政策,自成立以...

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